Myofascial release therapy is a hands-on technique that works to relax, lengthen and realign your fascia. Often, adhesions in our fascia and muscles can restrict movement and create painful trigger points (muscle knots) leading to various sources of acute and chronic pain. Myofascial release therapy uses deep tissue work at specific muscle groups that aims to release the surrounding tissues and muscles to increase tissue length and decrease stiffness. The goal is to bring you pain relief, as well as give you back your functional range of motion, improved posture, and can improve performance and strength.
This technique is used to treat multiple injuries (such as jumper’s knee, patellar tracking issues, IT band syndrome, rotator cuff injuries, postural dysfunctions such as upper or lower cross syndrome) and is part of the treatment provided here at PhysioDNA. Tightness and tension in the fascia can contribute to pain, restricted mobility, and decreased performance – therefore this technique is performed by our physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists and fascial stretch therapists.
You will be able to feel the benefits of this treatment instantaneously! Schedule an appointment in Bloor West Village, Oakville, or downtown Toronto today to experience the freedom of movement that myofascial release therapy can bring you!
Myofascial release therapy can be highly beneficial for runners in several ways:
Myofascial release therapy focuses on the problems in your tissues that cause your muscles to become tight and painful, while massage is about temporarily soothing sore and tight muscles.
Those who have sustained physical injuries or trauma may benefit from myofascial release treatment. Myofascial release therapy is recommended for patients who have been in an accident and suffered injuries, whiplash, developed scars from an incident, or other physical trauma.
Myofascial release therapy is a kind of continuous, mild massage that helps your myofascial tissues become less painful and tense. Your doctor will first search your fascial tissues for trigger points, also known as knots. They will then gradually apply pressure until they experience a release of stress.
After only one session of myofascial release therapy, a lot of patients report feeling less uncomfortable or having a better range of motion. However, weekly, biweekly, or every other week sessions for four to twelve weeks are a realistic estimate of the needed time, depending on your requirements and circumstances.
After myofascial release therapy, you could feel a few of these symptoms: Achy Muscles: As the body rids itself of the released toxins, aches and pains are normal for around 24 hours following your treatment. Some get a feeling in their muscles similar to what you experience after a strenuous gym session.
To assist the body in rehydrating and removing toxins from the limited regions, drink a lot of water. Rest if you are able to because you are exhausted. Stretch as much as you can to release the stress built up after your tiring myofascial release therapy session.